For most people, buying a house is about the most expensive purchase they'll ever make. It's not an impulse buy (or at least, it really shouldn't be), and a high level of due diligence prior to committing to the purchase is very much in your best interests. Before signing on the dotted line, you may need to consult a financial advisor to determine that the purchase is within your means. Property conveyancing is also essential, as is a professional building inspection. Engaging a property land surveyor should also be on your list, although many purchasers might overlook this. Why is it a good idea when purchasing a new home?

Above and Beyond

A property land survey goes above and beyond the information included in the property deed or property title. In the first instance, it will confirm the information contained in these other documents and will check for any discrepancies. 

Legal Boundaries

One of the most pertinent features of a property land survey is to confirm the precise legal boundaries of the property. This is sometimes self-evident with residential properties with a fence erected at the property line, although the placement of a fence doesn't always reflect the legal property line. This is more relevant with a rural property when the boundary and the subsequent amount of land you're purchasing might not immediately be clear-cut.

Future Plans

The importance of a property survey should not be disregarded when you have plans (or even potential plans) for the future of the property. This can include any renovations or extensions. Local councils generally restrict extensions to fall within a certain margin of the property boundary, so this boundary must be formally confirmed. It's also highly relevant if you wish to construct additional self-contained structures on the existing property, or are considering subdividing the land.

Existing Easements

The possibility of future construction must also take existing easements into consideration, and these will be identified during a property survey. This is generally underground infrastructure, such as water mains, gas lines and electrical or phone cables. The presence of these easements can restrict your potential future plans for the property, and so must be identified prior to purchasing.

There will be an upfront fee involved with a property land survey, but when you consider the expense of overlooking these details and how they can impact your future plans, the cost of the survey makes for an extremely wise investment.
