Poor facility maintenance can lead to the deterioration of commercial buildings and related assets. In general, good maintenance practices will keep a building safe and functional. Consequently, you will maximise the revenue from the businesses operating on the property by promoting customer satisfaction. Also, you will avoid complaints and lawsuits related to the building and subsequent losses. Additionally, facility maintenance ensures that the pertinent area is presentable and attractive to clients. If you are struggling with your upkeep needs, consider the below-outlined tips for an ideal outcome.

Understand Your Needs

You should evaluate the maintenance needs for your commercial building before making upkeep plans. Different facilities have differing requirements for good results, depending on the type of operations. In simple terms, review your property and understand the business to determine the best approach to maintenance. For example, if you have an office building, you will need to focus on creating a comfortable and beautiful environment for business operations. Critical maintenance tasks will include deep cleaning, repainting, maintaining the HVAC systems and servicing the lifts. If your facility runs a sensitive operation like a hospital, you must prioritise sanitisation and safety. Check the maintenance standards for the building and the equipment to prevent mishaps.

Establish a Plan

Proper planning for facility maintenance is crucial for maximising the effectiveness of the efforts. If you do not organise the upkeep tasks, you might waste time and money, and the results from the work might be poor. When preparing your work plan, outline the complete list of processes you will need to carry out for each period. For example, you can determine the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly tasks for your building. Daily chores often involve dusting, vacuuming and washing the surfaces and equipment in constant use. Weekly tasks focus on thorough cleaning of the building without disruption. Monthly and quarterly procedures might involve checking up on appliances and equipment. For example, you can change fluids in motorised equipment or replace filters in HVAC systems.

Maintain Documentation

Finally, you must maintain appropriate documentation on your facility maintenance work. Documentation is essential for accountability within the commercial building. When dealing with simple tasks like cleaning, you can keep a simple sheet indicating the state of each area of the building after work. For equipment, create a reporting framework to promote effective tracking of servicing tasks. Where possible, choose facility maintenance software for your business to consolidate and streamline your documentation. 
